I have been meeting with several members of the trans-gender community in my city. A major issue is that many of the silicone penises currently on the market don’t have the ability to be bent and able to maintain their shape for packing or sex play. I have started work on developing silicone castings with a bendable embedded metal matrix. My first test was successful.
As you can observe, the finger ain’t pretty, but it is just a proof of concept. It is firm but flexible. It can be easily bent, stays put, and proves that the concept is sound. I made another master mould of another finger so I can cast other prototypes and test various rubber formulas . I’m hoping that these fingers will test well so I can successfully “ramp up” to make the ultimate in custom made silicone penises. Time will tell. If you have any questions, comments, or would like to model for me, please send me a message.
business cleaning franklin
Proof of Concept